Apollo IT Services

Apollo IT Services

Information Technology & Services

Austin, TX 400 followers

Cybercrime is here to stay, what are you doing to protect your business?

About us

We work with businesses to assess their risk and set cybersecurity and managed IT measures. Some of our services: Managed IT solutions Cybersecurity solutions Backup and disaster recovery Networking VOIP Employee cyber training Seminars Vendors relation HelpDesk Security operation center

Information Technology & Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Austin, TX
Mac services, Technology Consulting, network security, data recovery, IT workshops, network installation, IT hardware installation, commercial IT solutions, Cybersecurity, Managed service provider, business continuity, Network Infrastructure, Cloud solutions, vendor engagement, O365, Azure, SOC, IT Support, SaaS, VOIP, Cloud backup, Compliance, and MFA


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    It seems like BitLocker, Microsoft's software that protects your computer with encryption, might be causing a stir – and not in a good way. Windows 11's upcoming 24H2 update could be auto-enabling BitLocker during installation, even for people who might not want or need it. Why should you care? There are a few reasons… BitLocker encryption can put the brakes on your PC's performance, slowing it down by up to 45%. How? Windows 11 is constantly juggling encryption and decryption processes with your data, which can really affect your computer's speed. There is a silver lining. You can easily disable auto encryption by toggling off Device Encryption in your Privacy & Security settings. It's a simple fix that can save you a headache down the road. Of course, encryption is a great security tool, and one that you should consider implementing if you haven’t already. The trick is to choose the right encryption for your business, without compromising your devices’ speed. Our team can help. Get in touch! #Microsoft #Windows11 #BitLocker #ITServicesNWA #ApolloIT

    This Windows 11 installation setting can cut your SSD performance in half. Here's how to disable it

    This Windows 11 installation setting can cut your SSD performance in half. Here's how to disable it


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    There’s another new type of malware on the prowl, and it's got your business's routers in its sights... Let me introduce you to "Cuttlefish", the latest troublemaker. This little menace sneaks into your routers, sets up a secret tunnel (kind of like a VPN, but way more sinister), and starts stealing sensitive data like your login credentials. How does it work? Well, it's either exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities (new bugs that no-one has yet come across or started fixing) or straight-up brute-forcing its way into your routers. Once inside, it's game over for your privacy. Cuttlefish slips past security measures like a ninja, making it a nightmare to detect. Here are some quick tips to keep your routers locked down tight: * Make your password more secure. No more "password123," okay? * Keep your routers updated * Block remote access to your router's management interface * Stay vigilant for any logins from unknown sources * Encrypt your traffic * Inspect your devices for any unknown admin accounts If you’re in doubt or you simply want to check your security is good, my team can help. Get in touch at apolloitservices.com! #CyberSecurity #Malware #routers #ITservicesNWA #ApolloIT

    Another new router malware is sniffing around for your login details

    Another new router malware is sniffing around for your login details


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    I’ve got an interesting one to talk about today: Malvertising. Have you heard of it? Recently there’s been an ad scam on Bing, where an advert looks like it’s from NordVPN, but it’s actually there to trick you. So what exactly is malvertising, and how can you protect your business from falling victim? Malvertising, short for malicious advertising, is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Cyber criminals embed malware into seemingly harmless online ads. They’re trying to lure people into clicking. Recently, they’ve impersonated NordVPN on Bing, redirecting people to a fake site and tricking them into downloading malware onto their devices. So, how does this all work? Well, imagine you're scrolling through search results or reading an article, and you come across an ad promoting something familiar, like a VPN service. You click, thinking it's legit, and start to download what you think is software… but behind the scenes, malware is being unleashed onto your device faster than you can say "cyber security”. Luckily, there are ways to armor up. The first rule is to always be vigilant. Keep an eye out for red flags like misspelled URLs or suspicious domain endings. If something seems off, it probably is. Stick to trusted sources when downloading software, and always double-check the website's legitimacy before hitting a download button. Another handy tool is an ad-blocker. These protect your browsing experience and your device from potential harm. And as a bonus, they're super easy to set up and use. Remember, if in doubt, trust your gut. If an ad seems too good to be true or raises any suspicions, steer clear. Your cyber security is worth more than a flashy offer. #Malvertising #CyberSecurity #malware #ITservicesNWA #ApolloIT

    Don't fall for fake NordVPN ads—how to avoid VPN scams

    Don't fall for fake NordVPN ads—how to avoid VPN scams


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    Heads up! There's another cyber threat on the loose, and this one’s targeting Microsoft Word and Excel files. Let me explain: Hackers are using a technique called steganography to hide malware inside innocent-looking JPG files. They then send out phishing emails loaded with these files, hoping someone takes the bait (phishing emails look like they’re from someone you trust but they’re not). If you accidentally open one of these booby-trapped files, it's not good. A nasty script is unleashed, leading to the download and installation of all sorts of malware. Think info stealers, remote access trojans, and more. But I know you can stay protected from this one. It’s totally doable with a little common sense and some cyber security awareness. First off, stay sharp with incoming emails, especially ones with attachments or suspicious links. When in doubt, just hit delete. Plus, don't forget to keep your Office suite up-to-date. There's a fix for this vulnerability that's been hanging around for years. Double-check you’re all updated and safe (my team can help you with that). So there you have it - stay vigilant, keep those software updates rolling, and keep your business’s data safe. #Microsoft #Word #CyberSecurity

    A sneaky new steganography malware is exploiting Microsoft Word — hundreds of firms around the world hit by attack

    A sneaky new steganography malware is exploiting Microsoft Word — hundreds of firms around the world hit by attack


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    Passwords are the bane of so many people’s lives. We all have so many of them to juggle. Maybe you should think about using biometrics instead? That’s using your fingerprint as a password, or even your face, just like you might do already to unlock your phone. It’s a really simple-yet-secure way to keep your data safe… yet only around a fifth of people bother with it. I understand, some people are wary. Why? They’re worried about their sensitive info falling into the wrong hands. But here's the thing: Biometrics are really hard to crack - unlike weak passwords, or passwords you reuse across multiple sites. There’s also passkeys as an alternative to passwords. These use your phone or another device as a key to prove you are who you say you are. They're very well designed to be safe, as your phone must be close to the device you’re logging in to. Better yet, biometrics and passkeys make a power duo. Use them together and it's like having a double lock on your front door. Are you still using passwords in your business, or have you embraced these super-secure alternatives? #Biometrics #Passkeys #DataSecurity #ITservicesNWA

    Barely any of us are choosing fingerprints over passwords yet

    Barely any of us are choosing fingerprints over passwords yet


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